Monday 19 September 2011

The 2012 Olympics in Dorset

The sea around Weymouth Bay is a world class sailing destination and, according to the Royal Yachting Association, the best in Northern Europe. It’s no surprise then that the Weymouth and Portland National Sailing Academy will be hosting all the sailing events for the 2012 London Olympic and Paralympic Games.
The Olympic village at Osprey Quay will host up to 400 international athletes, and thousands of visitors are expected to watch the Olympic and Paralympic sailing events.

The Olympic sailing competitions will be at Weymouth and Portland from the 27th July to 12th August 2012, and the Paralympic competitions will take place between the 29th August and the 9th September: you can see the full schedule here.

If you have a ticket for any of the Olympic sailing events you will be able to view them from Nothe Fort and Gardens; those without tickets will be able to view the Olympic events from Weymouth beach.

2012 is going to be an exciting and inspirational time in Dorset: not only will you be able to watch the thrilling Olympic events; but there will also be a packed programme of vibrant events and activities for all the family including spectacular outdoor performances; amazing visual arts; dance, choirs and bands.

Please see Dorset 2012 for up-to-date news about Dorset’s 2012 Olympic events.

If you would like to discuss or book accommodation in Dorset for the 2012 Olympics, please contact us. We look forward to welcoming you here at this unique and exciting time.